How to Program Your Boostap® Card?

Boostap Card Guide
Learn how to program your card for your Google review link in 10 simple steps, taking approximately 30 seconds in total.
Video tutorial:
1) Begin by downloading the free "Boostap NFC Tool" app from your mobile app store and launch it. Here are the links for it:
It's a breeze, let's move on to the next step.
2) Upon launching the app, you'll find yourself on the home page. Simply tap on "Write" to proceed to the next step.


3) Next, we'll need to obtain the link to our Google review page. The simplest way to do this is from a computer or desktop. 
NOTE: Please make sure that you logged-in to your gmail account which has access to your Google Business Profile page.
This is Google setup. Go to bottom of this page for other platform setups like Tripadvisor, Trustpilot, Yelp and Checkatrade.
Let's start for Google setup here. Begin by visiting your Google Business Profile page via: and clicking "See Your Profile" , as illustrated in the image below:
4) Now, you need to click on down arrow. Click on the area shown in the image below:
5) At this point, you should click on the "Ask for reviews" button indicated in the image below:
6) Your next step is to copy the link, as indicated in the image below:
7) Now, you'll need to send this copied link to your mobile phone for easy access. One straightforward method is to email the link to yourself, then open it on your mobile device and click 'Copy'.
8)  Return to the Boostap NFC Tool App on your mobile device and paste the link into the designated box, as displayed in the image below.
Once you've entered the link, click "Update Link on card" in the left.
Please take care to avoid accidentally adding any spaces before or after the link during the copy/paste process, as this can lead to errors.
9)  Now, you'll receive an "Tap your NFC card to write" message. Please approach your Boostap to back of your phone.
10) You'll now see the "Your Boostap card is successfully updated with the link" message, as illustrated below. The setup is now finished, and your card is all set for use! Go ahead and start gathering those
valuable reviews!


If you ever wish to reprogram a different Google review link, simply repeat these steps to overwrite the previous link.


Should you encounter any issues along the way, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. You can email us at or send us a message on our website's live chat, and we'll be happy to assist you promptly!

Other Platform Setups

Tripadvisor Setup

1) Go to and search for your business name.

2) Click "Review".

3) Copy and paste the opened page URL to "Boostap NFC Tool" app.

Trustpilot Setup

1) Go to and search for your business name.

2) Click "Write a review".

3) Copy and paste the opened page URL to "Boostap NFC Tool" app.

Yelp Setup

1) Go to and search for your business name.

2) Click "Write a Review".

3) Delete "?return_url=%2Fbiz%2FtNqlff6UM01PCRaSg3kdfA&review_origin=biz-details-war-button" part from the end of the URL.

4) Copy and paste the last updated URL to "Boostap NFC Tool" app.

Checkatrade Setup

1) Go to and search for "your business name checkatrade"

2) Find your business URL and click.

3) Click "Write a Review".

4) Copy and paste the opened page URL to "Boostap NFC Tool" app.

Facebook Setup

1) Go to and search for "your business name Facebook"

2) Find your Facebook page and copy the URL.

3) Paste the opened page URL to "Boostap NFC Tool" app.

Instagram Setup

1) Go to and search for "your business name Instagram"

2) Find your Instagram page and copy the URL.

3) Paste the opened page URL to "Boostap NFC Tool" app.

Tiktok Setup

1) Go to and search for "your business name tiktok"

2) Find your Tiktok page and copy the URL.

3) Paste the opened page URL to "Boostap NFC Tool" app.

Whatsapp Setup

1) Copy your Whatsapp number.


3) Copy and paste the opened page URL to "Boostap NFC Tool" app.